Blog Category: News and Updates

Talk updates…

Speaking in person is always a bit of a lottery in terms of dates, as I’m away an awful lot, but I will always genuinely try and slot in a talk..

Polar delights!

Polar delights!
As you’ll all know, working in the polar regions has been a major part of my career and to that end, in the last few years, sharing those..

Talking Polar bears

Talking Polar bears
I’m delighted to let you know that I’ve been invited by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSL) to give a talk on one of my faves – polar..

Glorious Gabon…

It’s been a bit of wait, and I’d hoped it would be ready by the end of November, but although we’ve missed that deadline as we trickle into the..

Something for the wall?

Limited editions remain one of the main things I do of course, and I’d like to thank everyone who has purchased one (or more in some cases) in the..

Talking pictures…

It remains a busy year, but in between trips this autumn and in the first couple of weeks next year, I have been able to schedule a set of talks to..