Who We Support
Preservation not exploitation
Wildlife has been a constant in my life, personally and professionally. I have been, and continue to be, privileged to earn a living doing something that, as a child, I aspired to and dreamed about. However, it’s not just about “the shot” as for me, the images and text are my way of communicating the wonders of the natural world to a global audience.
A lifelong love of the subject though has not just revolved around capturing it on film and memory card. Ever since the days, when aged in single digits, I used to sit with a small notebook scribbling info from Life on Earth or the Survival series of documentaries, I have been obsessed with all things we share the planet with. The desperate plight most of them find themselves in was made clear to me way back then, and it has been something I have been keen to share throughout my career. Indeed, one of my first assignments, back in the mid-1990s, was to cover the spreading (illegal) gold field mining in southern Kalimantan and how it was affecting the Orang Utan population in that seldom visited, completely overlooked part of Indonesia.
I have always felt my role as a reporter for, and documenter of, the natural world has been to inspire awe, and as such, motivate others to preserve this incredible planet in perpetuity. It’s a long, long struggle but one I have always felt I cannot deviate from. It is what continues to give me the motivation to crawl through the mud (and goodness knows what else!) with 50lbs of kit strapped to my back or spend weeks at a time at -40C with facilities not much better than a hole in the snow. Every insect bite, vaccination, malaria tablet, bout of heat exhaustion, dehydration and frostnip has been worth it…and long may it stay that way.
I have always strived to support a number of charitable organisations through the work that I do by shining a global spotlight onto the causes and species that they help, and since the mid-2000s, I have been in the fortunate position to make an increasing financial contribution. All the organisations I select to help are targeted at specific areas, regions or species, and all of them have a direct impact. My intention has always been to support those that make a real difference, rather than just talk about it, and that remains my way forward. Since 2009, when the charity donations really kicked into overdrive, I have been fortunate to be able to donate over £280,000 to these charities (£288,155 as at December 2021). Every year, I maintain the pledge to donate:
- 100% of speaking fees (corporate, after-dinner and club/association)
- 20% of profits from all limited editions sales (sometimes this will rise to 100% for special events)
- 20% of all income from guided safaris/tuition days (equivalent to around 80% of all profits)
In addition, special exhibitions and donations also appear in the calendar, at which either limited editions can be donated as an entire run to sell for a charity, or a single, one-off image for auction. I am lucky to be able to help, so please feel free to contact me if you would like me to put something together for your charity or fund-raiser.
Projects and organisations that I have (or currently) support include:
- The Bushlife Conservancy: bushlife-conservancy.org
- National Park Rescue: nationalparkrescue.org
- Sahara Conservation Fund: saharaconservation.org
- Lion Recovery Fund: lionrecoveryfund.org
- Animals Asia: animalsasia.org
- David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation: davidshepherd.org
- Save the Pangolins: savepangolins.org
- Save the Rhino: savetherhino.org
- Giraffe Conservation Foundation: giraffeconservation.org
Each year, this list is reviewed and adapted as a different cause leaps to the fore.
Thanks for taking the time to read this page, and hopefully, you’ll be able to help me keeping these causes in the headlines. Every penny that I can donate really does make a difference.