About Me
Welcome to the site!
I have been travelling and photographing wildlife for as long as I can remember, following my introduction to the art form through a flashbulb-laden, Kodak Instamatic back when I was about seven years old. Thus began a life-long love affair with all aspects of the natural world.
Since then, I have been fortunate enough to visit some of the world’s most incredible wildlife locations, and witness some of nature’s greatest spectacles, species and behaviour, and it is this fantastic and incredible world that I want to share with you.
Throughout my professional career as a journalist, photo-journalist and wildlife photographer, I have travelled globally on assignment for the world’s leading media associations and agencies and have been awarded internationally for my work. I still travel extensively, and will be on location in a variety of locations from the High Arctic to the tip of Southern Africa or America during the course of a year. A small amount of this is now taken up by taking photographers on trips to places I know and love, but at all other times it is either on specific assignment, publishing project, documentary groundwork, private commission or to procure images for future limited editions.
My unique take on the animal kingdom has always been to take my photos on foot wherever that is possible, even if that means standing down a polar bear on the sea ice at 10 metres. For me, this gives me an unique perspective and allows me – and therefore you, the view, with the real soul of the subject. For this reason it has
A global experience
For me, therefore, the natural world that I have worked in has always been on more distant shores and I have spent probably 40-50% of my adult life traversing the globe on that basis for my work. After a few years of scrabbling around for stories and pictures, my first major commissions were in 1994 where I covered Orang-utan reintroductions to southern Kalimantan and the effects of the gold mining there. For me, bringing the story to you is key…and I’m a huge fan of each image setting out to achieve just that. To this end, my work is used and published globally in all forms of media and I remain a regular feature writer for some of the world’s leading publications.
Another major advantage of having spent so much time in Africa, the Arctic, the Far East, the Pacific Northwest and South America in particular is that I have repeatedly shot and watched the same species over and over again. Far from being repetitious, this has enabled me over the last 30 years to accumulate knowledge in how each animal behaves and interacts, all of which gives me an advantage when it comes to securing a shot. Understanding behaviour is key…and experience matters in that regard. As much as I love watching the squirrels in my garden…they are not really the same level of preparation for understanding how a pack of wild dogs will behave, interact and move!
Taking you with me!
I do undertake tuition days and workshops and will, on occasion, take budding wildlife photographers on exclusive guided tours to some of the locations where I have worked. You can find out more about my safaris elsewhere on the site. For me, though, that means putting your images first…not just taking a bunch of shots and throwing the odd comment your way as “tuition”. There are too many out there capitalising on the “free holiday” element of trip leading…and it makes me mad!
All my trips are geared to give you a genuine photographic experience, not just be labelled as such. These are small groups with the maximum amount of time possible spent on location, and not commuting from some distant lodge or accommodation located outside the main area of action. When it comes to photo-leading, I’m also proud to be a member of a truly exclusive club, being one of only a handful of photographers worldwide, to have ever been invited to lead photographic safaris to track polar bears on foot in the sub-arctic and high arctic…something I still greatly enjoy doing.
Limited editions
With some of my most special images, are not submitted to the usual channels. Instead, all the rights are retained by me for the sole purpose of providing a special photographic encounter and window on the wild through the wall of your office, home or wherever you see fit! With limited numbers of just 10 to 25 (depending on image), the samples you see in the galleries on this site are highly collectable pieces of certified, limited edition art, produced to exacting standards by arguably the best photo-imaging company in the UK, Genesis Imaging. These pictures have taken me months – and even years – to obtain and only exist in this format. As such the only way to see them will be at an art show, a gallery exhibition or on your own wall; once the last one has gone, then it has gone from public view forever. The exclusive nature of such editions means my work adorns the walls of collectors worldwide, from mansions to apartments. In addition, if there is a particular image you are looking for, but don’t see in the limited galleries, then do contact me or have a look at there “private commissions” page here on the site. PLEASE NOTE – THE FULL RANGE OF CURRENT LIMITED EDITIONS IS NOT SHOWN ON THE WEBSITE AND SOME THAT YOU SEE MAY HAVE ALREADY BEEN DISCONTINUED. ALWAYS ENQUIRE!
Post processing…
Ugh! I hate it. As such, apart from de-saturating to black and white, minor “darkroom” changes (akin to what we would have done in the days of slide and film) and the occasional addition of a sepia tone, I make as little change as I can to the image. I want you to connect with the real world, not some idealised, ridiculously over-saturated image that requires more in the way of software engineering than photographic ability. The manufacturing of photographs should not be the way the natural world is presented, and I will always maintain that principle. What you see is what I saw. We are fully in the hands of the subject, and not the other way round, and it is that which makes the discipline so fantastically addictive. Wildlife photography offers no guarantees. We, the shutter-pressers, could spend a month in the field, waiting for the split second where a specific animal enters the scene or activity can be recorded…and yet return with a memory card devoid of anything useful.
Such are our challenges…but such are our rewards.
Enjoy the galleries, and keep in touch. You can sign up to receive regular updates of where I’ve been and where I’m going, or if you have a group or class that you think would enjoy an entertaining evening of wildlife photography discussion and images, then feel free to get in touch.
a proportion of all profits go to support conservation projects in the wild