Blog Category: News and Updates

Looks like rain…

Looks like rain…
Well, it’s been a busy start to the year – and hard to believe its already February. I just thought I’d put up a brief blog post this month, as facebook is proving popular for updates (and a bit easier to keep on top of when on the road!) and I’m out and about quite a bit at the moment...
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Lake Clark : Land of the Grizzly

Lake Clark : Land of the Grizzly
The Lake Clark area, just an hour’s flight from Anchorage, offers some of the most spectacular grizzly bear viewing on the continent. Here there are no time-slots, no platforms and you are also not subjected to the jostling of a thousand tripods.
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Polar bears…on foot…with me!

Polar bears…on foot…with me!
As ever, it seems an eternity since I’ve sat down and been able to put a blog piece together, but, finally, here in the sanctity of London’s Natural History Museum, I’ve managed to drag out the laptop and put keyboard to screen, as it were (not quite as romantic as pen to paper….but, hey, it works!).
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